
this is what (bureaucratic) gay marriage looks like [wedding post the sixth]

Happy Friday y'all!

After a slight bureaucratic hiccough involving the misplacement of mothers' maiden names by the town clerk's office, Hanna and I finally obtained our marriage license last night, to be completed by our Justice of the Peace on September 14th. For those interested, here's what the bureaucratic face of same-sex marriage looks like:
click image to embiggen
I will point out that ours is a mixed marriage between Archivist and Librarian (cue gasps of shock!) - likely much more threatening to this generation's Brave New World than the fact we're both women.

I dunno -- does anyone else find themselves thinking of Hermes' bureaucrats song from Futurama?


  1. Ooh, so official!

    Also, I love Hermes' bureaucrat song.

  2. Congratutions and best wishes to you both!

    1. Thank you -- and thanks for stopping by my internet home :)!
