
future feminist teatime, otherwise known as "i'm really not as scary as i pretend to be!"


I've been getting an uptick in comments lately, and an increasing number of visits to the blog. So I thought it was time to put out the welcome mat, set out the pot of tea, and invite y'all who are lurkers and occasional commenters (yep, you!) to say "hi" and introduce me to your lovely selves.

I've just updated this blog (if you haven't noticed) so that it now includes a page about me and my comment policy, such as it is. Not that I've been having recent issues, but I'd been dragging my feet for a while getting one together and I figured it was time.

So that's me. Now it's your turn! Please leave a comment -- as long or short as you wish -- telling me a little about yourself. Be sure to leave a link to your own blog, website, or other online presence if you keep one, and I'll make sure to stop on by.


image credit: teatime by benefit of hindsight @ Flickr.com


  1. I don't generally do this but I love your blog so...

    I go by soirore online and that is my twitter user name too. In real life I work as an information professional (although I'm not qualified as can't afford more postgrad study right now). I found this blog by doing a search for feminist + librarian, which is what I hope to be eventually, and have subscribed ever since. I like reading because you discuss things that are important and write with so much sense and grace.

    Plus you have pictures of tea pots. I subscribed to the Glasgow women's library partly because their twitter is powered by tea. There must be some connection between feminism, tea loving and librarianship.

  2. De-lurking.

    I now go by Eccentric Blog Owner online or just Eccentric. Even though I used to comment with my real first name. (Not on this blog, but others.) However, after I started cross posting on a local blog, I had to adopt a pseudonym. (I'm openly FTM on my blog and mostly stealth in RL.)

    My blog basically exists for me to vent and remember links to articles. (Hence the uncreative name)However, I have been trying to make it more public recently. I rarely comment though. Sorry for all the pointless information.

    Freedom press(A sometimes post on here)- http://weneedprogress.blogspot.com/

    Need to vent now(My personal forum for mindless rants)-http://need-to-vent-now.blogspot.com/

  3. I'm Molly. As you already know, I write from a feminist perspective on pregnancy/birth/parenting/etc. at First the Egg (www.firsttheegg.com). I appear to be an English professor but am actually a future librarian in disguise, currently working on the transition from this side of the academe to library school and then librarianship. First, though, it looks like I'll be an unemployed parent married to a low-income graduate student, which should be ... interesting ... right?

    Now I'm going to make myself a cup of tea and prep for the summer course I start teaching on Monday. You'd enjoy it, I suspect: Sex and Sexuality in Postcolonial Fiction (followed next term by Children's Literature!). Good stuff.

  4. Colleen has directed me to things you've posted before when we've had conversations and I finally added your blog to my google reader recently - largely because I'm addicted to your Sunday Smut links!

  5. Thank you all for leaving notes! Right after this post went up my apartment lost power in a thunderstorm (the transformers on the corner went with a tremendous POP!) and we've had sketchy generator power all weekend...so apologies for not responding sooner. Glad to hear from you all and I look forward to visiting your online spaces soon.

